Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Itching and Scratching: Part I

You think you know, what our post title is aiming at? You think we are exaggerating? Well, we think you are right :-) Rose hips are the topic. And yes, this can be a very itching thing. But since the turn of the century (of course we mean the one before the last one) we are blessed with rubber gloves and zeppelins. One of it fits...
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Sunday, 12 October 2014

All we took were pictures

  Today was a wonderful sunny autumn day and even though we had to study a lot, we felt the urge to go outside and into the wood. The floor was covered with many different mushrooms and we also saw some beautiful berries. But we are quite sure that they are inedible, so all we took were pictures.  The beautiful...
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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Filling the hoards

What can be associated more with autumn-food than nuts? Okay, squashes and mushrooms maybe. But our today’s post is devoted to nuts. More precisely we want to focus on hazelnuts. You all know them from bakery or Nutella. Large regions of Europe are crowded with the common hazel, a shrub of 3-8 meters height. Some days ago...
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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Hot for the cold

Preserving food for winter has been essential for thousands of years. Nowadays the food industry takes this task out of our hands. It's comfortable and cheap to buy various preserved vegetables and fruits or meat and fish. And why not? But there are two unbeatable reasons for making your own freezed, pickled, canned, bottled,...
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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Of autumn, woods and blackberries

Autumn silently arrives. Well, to be true, here in Middle-Europe it's not so silently, as the rain crackled against the window glasses for most of the summer. But it arrives. And with it the most various food selection of the year. Not only the farmers reap their harvests of vegetables and fruits. Also forests burst with nuts,...
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