You think you know, what our post title
is aiming at? You think we are exaggerating?
Well, we think you are right :-)
Rose hips are the topic. And yes, this
can be a very itching thing. But since the turn of the century (of
course we mean the one before the last one) we are blessed with
rubber gloves and zeppelins. One of it fits your hands better.
What rather raises the foragers'
hackles, is the work associated with processing rose hips.
Rose hips? Of course you know them!
They are the fruits of the rose plant, usually red or orange, and
catch the eye through autumn in nearly every garden or park, at
roadsides, hedges and skirts of woods.
If you reach through the prickles, you
will be awarded with one of the richest plant sources of vitamin C.
Rose hips have a very unique sweet-sour
taste and can be used very versatile. But we start with a very common
usage: herbal tea.
We are lazy sometimes. And that's why
we skip the rose-hip-processors'-nightmare. We neither scratch out
the seeds nor the little hairs, which cause the itching at contact
with the skin.
All we do, after washing, is cutting
off the ends of the little fruits.
After that we throw them into a kitchen
blender and let them be cut in little pieces for a few seconds.
Don't fill the blender as full as we did on our photo. Better split it in smaller portions. We processed about 500 grams, by the way. More than two people can drink in one year ;-)
Another tip: Don't use very ripe
fruits. It's easier with the hard and dry ones.
Afterwards you have to dry them
completely before storing. If you have low air humidity in your
rooms, you can simply spread the tea onto kitchen paper and let it
dry over a few days. Otherwise you can put them into the oven with
very low heat (about 30°C) for an hour or of course use a dehydrator
if you possess one.
For brewing the tea use 2-3 teaspoons
(of our Middle-European teaspoons. If you live in a country with
standardised teaspoon-sizes you surely know better how to use them
;-)) for one cup, pour over boiling water and let it steep for 10
minutes. If you want to make sure that you won't get a hairy throat
(it wouldn't be itching, just a little bit „sandy“) use empty
teabags or coffee papers. Otherwise a tea strainer will do it too.
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